Children's Health #3 - Sunglasses = Not Cool.

In this blog:

  • Children’s health and COVID-19.

  • Mind control and propoganda on our children.

  • Why children should always AVOID sunglasses.

  • Become equiped with actionable strategies to preserve your children’s health long-term.

Let’s Begin…

Are we protecting our children from harm? We think we are, but are we doing a good enough job?

If parents cannot protect their children, this is the last line of defense as children should not be expected to protect themselves. The last line of defense are mothers. It began with breaking up the family and positioning men and women against each other. Now, 1 in 3 children are born to single mothers and men’s suicide is at it’s highest levels ever, with a noticable increase in men under 35 years old.

Children and the COVID-19 Injection

Children under the age of 18 are almost at a 0% risk of dying from SARS-COV2 virus. There is available treatment for the virus. So why are they being injected?

I believe that the mind control and propaganda which bombards our children is extremely dangerous. Social media news feeds, YouTube, dating app ads, television, subliminal messaging in viral videos, messages from governments and authorities, central bankers and businesses are pushing a coordinated agenda to instigate ‘The Great Poisoning’. From substituting breast feeding with synthesized infant formula to substituting wild and fresh foods with dry supplements. From relentless farming chemicals and water toxic additives to endless vaccine schedules and antibiotic prescriptions. From non-native electromagnetic pollution like WiFi, 5G, The AC Power Grid and ‘smart’ devices, to artificial light at night and pornography. From chemical make-up, tatoos, toxic sunscreens, antiperspirant and hygiene and cleaning products to plastic toxins and heavy metal toxicity. Our children are growing up in an indoor world fueled by addiction, uncontrolled emotional outbursts, unbelievable amounts of chronic stress and toxins everywhere. This is not how their parents grew up.

A friend of mine told me that her son has recently been lobbying her to get the COVID-19 toxine. Her son would beg and beg for hours. He pleaded that he wanted to be with his friends, go to school and not be alone anymore. Since then I have heard several stories of children regularly nag their parents to let them get the injection so they can: Go travel, play with their friends, Work at their part-time jobs, Go to school or college, Go to summer camp, socialize, and so on. Parents are being put in a very challenging position as to how they are going to react to their children’s demands. As any prudent parent knows, children are not vulnerable to death from SARS-COV2 and the injection is experimental. The propaganda being fed to children regarding false promises of freedom once they receive their shot is very strong, but will likely prove to be untrue; but by then it will likely be too late.

The issues which appear to most concern young people, in relation to the injection, is DNA alteration, infertility and birth defects. The spike protein the injection creates binds to ACE2 receptors which amongst other places are located on sperm, eggs and ovaries. These injections can affect fertility and directly or indirectly (depending on which injection is received), can alter DNA to be passed on or, even worse, these children could become infertile. The process of pregnancy is a very delicate and safeguarded process. A woman’s body ensures several redundancies in case environmental or genetic issues come into play. However, we just don’t know the implications of introducing this foreign mRNA or adenovirus into a mothers bloodstream and into the developing foetus.

Does your child have a chronic disease or illness?

  • If yes, take a look here and check out the scientific research available for their particular condition. If you still have questions, book a consult with Nathan here.

  • A great resource for your children’s health is The Children’s Health Defense Website.


Here are some very important disclosures in relation to our children:

54% of American Children have 1 or more chronic disease. However, there are many children who cannot afford to be tested. Therefore, this statistic is likely too low compared to reality.

If you live in the USA in Alabama, Iowa, North Carolina, Oregon and Tennessee, these are the US States which do not require parental consent for children between ages 12 - 15 to receive the COVID-19 injection. It might be wise if you have children in this state to move states so you can preserve your children’s health, safety and ensure anything that is done to them medically is by their own choice or their parents choice.

Vaccine Providers can consent on your child's behalf if they live in Alabama, Iowa, North Carolina, Oregon and Tennessee.

Do you make your child wear sunglasses?

Sunscreen was first introduced into the market in 1938. Sunglasses were introduced in mass production in 1936 despite older civilisations like the Chinese and Egyptians using quartz lenses in the 1200’s and even earlier. Since these dates skin cancer rates have risen exponentially. Yes, it’s hard to say this is causation, but once you understand the science below you’ll likely understand it appears to be an important part of the cause.

Sunglasses block UV light. Why? Because once upon a time UV light by itself was shown to be harmful for human health. This was despite using it to cure rickets and tuberculosis in the early 1900’s. Google Heliotherapy and those diseases. Here’s the science.


  1. UV light in the eye is essential for protection from cancer. UV light rhrough the eye ensures melanin production on the retina and skin to protect you from skin cancer

  2. UV light through the eye is important for blood flow in the eye

  3. UV light through the eye is essential for optimal Vagus Nerve Functioning

  4. UV light via the eye generates Dopamine Thyroid Hormones, Melatonin, Serotonin and much more

  5. UV light on the eyes generates vital hormones such as POMC, alpha-MSH, beta-Endorphin and Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF)

  6. Wearing sunglasses will make you sunburn faster and open you up to long-term thermal injuries and possibly cancer

  7. Children’s eyes are much more sensitive than adults and thus require the full solar spectrum to help their growth and metabolism even more than us.

  8. UV light through the eye means you don’t need to eat as much. Helping you lose unwanted weight and improve body composition.

Here’s the science:

The lens of the eye doesn’t block all UV light. Small amounts of UVA and UVB radiation does penetrate the anterior chamber of the eye. Approximately 1% UVB and 3% UVA light reaches the retina of the human eye! This small stimulus of this UV light leads to non-linear changes. Which means, just a small amount of this highly powered light has led to much complexity in our species. When the UVB spectrum is blocked, the signal for nitric oxide release is blocked in the eye which inhibits the body’s ability to create melanin. A lack of nitric oxide affects melanin production. Melanin is created from tyrosine and phenylalanine. T3 and T4 is also made from tyrosine. This is how wearing sunglasses links to Hashimoto’s. What does this mean? If you wear sunglasses, you will sunburn faster, this increases the risks of thermal and non-thermal damage, especially melanoma. When you wear sunglasses, you precondition your skin for skin cancer. The lenses block UV which normally stimulate Nitric Oxide (NO) release protecting your skin from cancer, but in the case of sunglasses NO is blocked, affecting alpha-MSH (Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone) via POMC over time leading to melanogenesis. UV light through the eye stimulates melanin production in the RPE of the retina and in the skin via alpha-MSH. Tryptophan also requires UV light through the eye to program it to create melatonin and serotonin. Melatonin is cancer protective and with dysfunctional melatonin cancer becomes possible. Did you know the vagus nerve responds to UVA light?

UV light in the eye activates a chemical known as the melanocyte-stimulating hormone which makes the skin thicken and go brown to protect it from UV overdose. Sunglasses block UV light from entering the pineal gland through the optic nerves in the eyes via the central retinal pathway. This prevents the brain from sending the signal to the pituitary gland to produce melanin, the pigment that tans the skin and protects it from burning. UVB irradiation of the eye causes a positive local inflammation by stimulating nitric oxide (NO) to be produced as well as other inflammatory mediators from the vessels in the eye. This signalling molecule travels through the ciliary ganglia (parasympathetic ganglion located just behind the eye), which is the associated ganglia of the trigeminal nerve. This in turn activates the hypothalamopituitary proopiomelanocortin (POMC) system to do its thing in the eye and the central retinal pathways. Wearing sunglasses lowers dopamine in the brain and Beta-endorphin, therefore linking to exogenous opioid addiction or addictive behaviour. Light through the eye controls how you assimilate light through the skin. The vagus nerve can be stimulated via UVA light on the eyes because it surfaces around the eye muscles. Wearing sunglasses blocking UV light will reduce this vagus nerve stimulation and leave you more vulnerable to remaining in your fight or flight, stressed state, altering vagal tone.

The blue light photoreceptor in your retinal gangleon cells (IPRGC’s) is bound to Vitmain A in a weak covalent bond. It is like this because Melanopsin is your key circadian regulator and keenly pays attention to the level of blue light in your environment to signal when it’s time to sleep, wake, eat, reproduce and so on. Dopamine is in control of Melanopsin’s mRNA synthesis, so dopamine levels are vital to Melanopsin/Circadian Biology functioning normally, signalling health. Now, what happens when we load our world with artificial light predominantly in the blue light frequency wavelength? Artificial blue light breaks the melanopsin and the Vitamin A covalent bond to increase the amount of Vitamin A in the blood. Excess Vitamin A in the blood not only destroys photoreceptors but also causes a reduction of melanin and lowers its photochemical abilities. Excess Vitamin A in the blood also lowers Vitamin D stores in the body. This is why blue light and melanopsin dysfunction have been linked to many cancers.

Ultraviolet B Irradiation of the Eye Activates a Nitric Oxide-dependent Hypothalamopituitary Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) Pathway and Modulates Functions of α-Melanocyte-stimulating Hormone-responsive Cells.

Localized UVB irradiation of the eye activates the hypothalamus-pituitary proopiomelanocortin (POMC) system via the iNOS-dependent neuronal network involving the first branch of the trigeminal nerves passing through the ciliary ganglia (parasympathetic ganglion located just behind the eye); therefore α-MSH-receptor containing cells are stimulated, such as DOPA-positive melanocytes in the skin. Given the high mutagenic activity of UVB, stimulation of the proliferation of, and of the synthesis of melanin pigments by epidermal melanocytes might play important parts in the protection of the underlying cells against UVB toxicity (Luger et al, 1998). Thus, the signalling pathway activated by UVB irradiation of the eye to increase plasma levels of α-MSH might function as an ultra-sensitive mechanism by which UVB toxicity could be minimized in animals living in UV-enriched environment. UV light through the eye creates POMC. Sunglasses block this.

POMC (pictured below) is cut (cleaved) to give rise to multiple peptide hormones. Each of these peptides is packaged in large dense-core vesicles that are released from the cells by exocytosis in response to appropriate stimulation:

  1. α-MSH produced by neurons in the ventromedial nucleus has important roles in the regulation of appetite (POMC neuron stimulation results in satiety.) and sexual behaviour, while α-MSH secreted from the intermediate lobe of the pituitary regulates the movement of melanin produced from melanocytes in skin.  This hormone is linked to the obesity epidemic humans currently face.  It also links it to infertility, and gender identity issues so common now. Important for the tanning process to protect against any potential future photodamage. α-MSH modulates the expression of Nrf2 and Nrf-dependent genes as a novel cytoprotective effector mechanism of this hormone. = decreases inflammation. Alpha-MSH has potent protective and anti-inflammatory effects. At the molecular level, alpha-MSH affects various pathways implicated in regulation of inflammation and protection, i.e., nuclear factor-kappaB activation, expression of adhesion molecules and chemokine receptors, production of proinflammatory cytokines and mediators, IL-10 synthesis, T cell proliferation and activity, inflammatory cell migration, expression of antioxidative enzymes, and apoptosis.

  2. ACTH is a peptide hormone that regulates the secretion of glucocorticoids from the adrenal cortex.  This links to disorders linked to adrenal collapse like CFS/ME and Lyme and meld disease as well as electromagnetic hypersensitivity.

  3. β-Endorphin and [Met]enkephalin are endogenous opioid peptides with widespread actions in the brain.  This is where the current opiate crisis came from, which protects against pain.

Protection against UV-mediated DNA damage and the onset of oncogenesis is afforded by the tanning response in which UV irradiation triggers melanocytes to increase production of melanin that is then transferred to keratinocytes. Did you just read that correctly? Yep. Tanning your skin as a result of UV light exposure actually PROTECTS you from cancer. Artificial blue light does not stimulate melanin while UV does, and this is why blue light is associated with epithelial cancers and UV light is not.

UV light decreases appetite and increases satiety. Want to lose weight? Want to stop snacking? Want to save money on food? UV light exposure is an answer.

Red and Infra Red A light between 600nm and 1,000nm offsets the ROS created by the UV light in the form of antioxidant action. This red/IR-A light also helps to offset artificial lighting, especially blue light. When sunglasses are worn 100% of UV is blocked and approximately 60% of Red/IR is blocked through the lenses. This leaves a much greater proportion of blue light to enter the eye. Unfettered blue light stimulates melanocytes which is where Melanoma comes from. Let me reiterate. Nitric oxide stimulated by UVA sunlight protects the body from melanoma when accompanied by infrared and visible light as is present in the sun. When the spectrum of sunlight is altered in anyway (clothing, sunscreen, tattoos, coconut oil, body lotion, sunglasses, contact lenses, intraocular lenses, or any other way) the effects from the sun can lead to disease. So, as you can see, it’s not the sun that’s deadly, it’s our lack of understanding which can turn it against us.

Pro Tip: Never cover your or your child’s eyes from the sunlight. They evolved to detect and regulate hormones from sunrise to sunset. Diurnal animals, including humans, also need darkness after sunset to release melatonin. Uncover during the day and cover you and your child’s eyes and skin from artificial light at night.



Suggested Strategies:

  • Social media and smart phone apps are training your child to not listen to you. Do not give your child a smart phone. If they do have one, either get rid of it or put restrictions on it.

  • Avoid your child’s exposure to mainstream fear news or extreme conspiracy theory news.

  • Children are more sensitive to wireless radiation, artificial light and propaganda. Safeguard your child’s home environment responsibly.

  • Educate yourself on The COVID-19 Injection here.

  • Nature is medicine. You and everyone around you has a doctor in your head. Always remember that.

  • Full spectrum sunlight exposure is vital for children’s health.

  • Jordan Peterson says the #1 most important skill to teach your children for success in life is to be ‘socialized’. This means, spending time with many different children and adults in social situations. In this way they can develop a sense of personality, identity, character, humor, empathy, compassion, humility, curiosity, inspiration and ambition to name a few. My suggestion, don’t stop socializing your children and taking away their chance at being everything they can be in life.

  • This excessive 'Money printing' going on globally from the world's central banks is going to be left with our children to pay off in the future. This puts them behind the 8 ball. The best thing you can do as a parent is to save, invest and be thrifty with your money so your children can be provided for with or without you.

  • Stop your children from being poisoned. Eat wild, grass fed, organic. Drink clean, fresh non-fluoridated spring water. Spend time every day with your children in nature and ensure they have a strong and resilient immune system by using sunlight exposure.

  • Keep the family unit together. “You can fool a man. You can fool a woman, but fooling a man and woman who are together… that’s almost impossible.”

Enjoy playing in your backyard with your children without shoes under the power of sunlight!
