Empowering Choices #2 - Humanity, Technology, Cryptocurrency and Life Beyond COVID-19

What will we discuss today?

  • Where are we and where do we go next? From a health, finance and relationship perspective.

  • Who runs the financial system and what will it look like in the future?

  • Why Bitcoin is a trader’s dream (volatility) but an investors nightmare (could drop 50% in an hour at any time).

  • Going Direct and The Global Reset

  • What can we do to opt out of the digital technocracy and become more human?

  • How can we double down on our self-development and create a world for us and our families that we are proud to be a part of?

  • How can getting to know yourself better lead to being a more effective leader?

Ok, so the COVID-19 ‘v@ccine’ is clearly a giant experiment on the world. The global economic system is breaking all the rules I learnt about in Business School. Governments are accumulating never seen before amounts of debt as historically low interest rates are set while the central bankers begin to implement digital crypto systems in the global invention room. Education and health care are becoming more standardised and controlled by algorithms. Disease epidemics like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, dementia and autism are compromising our general wellbeing. Farming and raising farm animals are too damaging to our environment and inefficient so we must create autonomous farming and lab produced meat and other artificially engineered food products. Peoples ideologies are segregating them from their loved ones. Politics is now a regular topic at the dinner table. Fake news and mind control tactics are influencing everyone with access to a digital screen. And the family unit is beginning to weaken.

This is an onslaught. An overwhelming plethora of information wars aimed to confuse you, evoke fear and make you easier to control. The algorithms running our society are aiming to isolate us so that we can be more easily influenced. The programmers of these algorithms have designed these tactics deliberately as they believe the easiest way to move the world forward with their agenda is to perform mass mind control on every citizen. This takes place on any digital device people have access to, as well as through political and legal mandates. Over 5 billion people on earth have smartphones. The general population in the developed world are being led towards division, segregation, opposition, competition and hate. How many segregating labels do you know now? Sexists, bigots, racists, terrorists, extremists, socialists, neo-Nazi’s, far right and far left, LGBTIQAP communities and persecutors, and so on. These ideologies segregate us and usually breed negative emotions because each person in each community wants the other to admit that they don’t understand what it’s like to live life in their shoes and to respect and feel compassion for them. We all want to belong to something, but at what cost? Once we are divided and believe we are our ideologies we can be conquered. We have the power to stop this but in order to do so we must ‘see’ the game that is being played. Once we are aware of how we are being manipulated, we can be as the Buddha said and be awake. “Those who are awake live in a state of constant amazement.”

We are introducing such a large number of new technologies and legal, regulatory, and enforcement changes all at once that many people will find it unbearable to manage the resulting incoherence and related shadow work. It appears we will be living in a state of constant amazement if we are awake to what is going on. Knowing how to proceed and move forward one step at a time is very important. After reading this, I encourage you to write down a plan for yourself and family, so you know the direction you wish to move forward in. So, you know the future you want to create and have achievable steps to get there. One of my favourite quotes from Albert Einstein is “Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal.” When a society embarks on a process this chaotic, fluid, and open-ended regarding the most fundamental aspects of its governance, culture, economy, and finances, a lot can go wrong.

Don’t get me wrong, there are a huge amount of fintech companies out there creating technology which is benevolent and very useful for humanity. These technologies usually attempt to mimic nature and are often in harmony with nature. EMF safe technology is a perfect example. The problem is, that technology which helps people usually becomes compromised by governments, the pharmaceutical industry or the FANG companies because it attempts to destroy their customer base or compete on philosophy.

With a world filled with distractions, our productivity is being stolen. The financial incentive structure is in line with a globalist centralised technocracy run by a relatively small group of government and private technocrats. This group along with others in charge, I call Mr. Global. Their agenda is slowly rolling out whilst we are financing it through our investments in companies like Tesla, Amazon and Google. As well as many of us are expending our human capital (work effort) towards these and similar companies. It’s important to stop and consider whether you like the future you are creating. We are very powerful as humans. We are not told this. WE are told we are inadequate, imperfect and flawed. We are told we require upgrades to our brains, immune system and ideas. To reclaim our productivity and prosperity we must take responsibility for our own productivity and put most of our time into tasks which give us the most fulfillment. If you think you will prosper by investing, this is the exception to the rule. The way to truly prosper is to invest in yourself, your skills, your education, your health and your ideas. Investing is for ensuring your wealth is not going backwards and financially supporting other people’s great ideas in an effort to create a better world for our children.

When governments decide to create debt and dilute your money this puts more pressure on you to find more innovative ways to protect your wealth and become more productive. This is happening on a grand scale right now before your very eyes in almost every country around the world. Slowly stealing our wealth and making us more dependent on the government for handouts. To counteract this, you don’t need to do it alone. Collaborate instead of doing it all yourself. Participate in the shared economy and compromise on some luxuries. Share a car with a partner, rent out a room in the house, lend clothes to others, be philanthropic towards those worse off than you if you have capacity and build up skills in areas complementing your earning capacity.

The progression of a disparity of wealth within the world is becoming more and more pronounced. The rich are getting richer. The stock market climbs while small businesses close and society becomes more unsafe for the average person. Cities are becoming more inhospitable as wireless radiation inundates them with biologically harmful frequencies. But there are many ways out of this maze we are in.

Is Bitcoin one of those ways? Not in the long-term.

The Bitcoin whitepaper was submitted in August 2008, just before the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), it then began trading just as everyone lost confidence in the housing market and stock market. It had multiple purposes, 1. To transform the banking system into a ‘going direct’ model, where customers or citizens can transact directly with suppliers and retailers, hence positioning financial technology (FinTech) companies in the driver’s seat of the impending digital economy. 2. Steal market share from Gold so that confidence in a digital system was built and a disconnection from real money was created. 3. Incentivise very intelligent software developers, coders and IT professionals to write the code to improve blockchain technology, so that when the central banks create their Central Banking Digital Currencies (CBDC’s) the market would be ready for the migration. CBDC’s are being created supported by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) innovation hub. The BIS is working with several of the most powerful central banks around the world to ensure a centralised, controlled and transparent set of cryptocurrencies are created and adopted widely. This will allow every person in the world to have access to a digital wallet with numbers in it, which are transparent (completely trackable) and highly likely linked to a social credit-type system. The CBDC’s will be rolled out in most developed nations before 2025 and be accelerated as breakthrough energy generation is turned on to support the system.

The UAE is a perfect example of energy becoming a central focus as they completed building their new Barakah nuclear power plant in mid-2020 along with many other nations doubling down on their energy investments. As this rolls out and CBDC lotteries are announced along with adoption incentive packages to individuals and businesses, privately held cryptocurrencies, like Bitcoin will likely lose a great deal of their value.

The Digital Currency Electronic Payment (DCEP) denotes the Chinese Government’s CBDC. The Chinese Central Bank (PBOC) began developing this centralised ‘Digital Yuan’ in 2014 based on blockchain technology. Fast-forward to December 2020; it is already quite obvious to the keen financially minded person, that the Digital Yuan will receive mass adoption throughout the Chinese population as the dominant digital means of transacting. Mandates for companies in China to comply with accepting and using the DCEP have already occurred, with a non-compliance resulting in a loss of the company’s business licence, Further to this, by following the flows of money and actions of the Chinese Government, the PBOC has been very clear about their desire to position the Yuan as the new world reserve currency. In 2018 the IMF included the Chinese Yuan in the basket of global currencies backing the Special Deposit Receipts (SDR’s) which denote the IMF’s unit of account. Why is this important? Because SDR’s are used by the IMF as international monetary policy to support central banks. Unfortunately for those outside of China, the west is behind in the technology development revolution from a currency standpoint. The west has more political headwinds and an inadequate platform of distribution of digital currencies outside of relying on Mark Zuckerberg’s Diem (formerly Libra) to scale out a global payments network using the Facebook userbase. As it stands in December 2020, 95% of all Bitcoin is held by 2% of the population, lots of them with Chinese IP addresses, what could possibly go wrong?

As you can see, there is a race for central banks to not only keep their citizens employed and paying taxes, but also competing to retain their owns citizens money.

Now imagine you are the evil head of a central bank. I say evil because most people know the central banking system to be the cancer of the economic system. You are sitting at your desk on December 23rd, 2020 and planning your next move. What would you do if you see 1% of your citizens money flow into a foreign currency like Bitcoin, would you be concerned? I wouldn’t be. But if you see 10% leave whilst in addition a foreign nation is winning in the race to dethrone your currency as the world reserve currency unless you develop a CBDC… what would you do? I would try to keep my citizens and other nations citizens remain invested in our national currency and rapidly develop the best centrally controlled, completely transparent and functional digital currency, solidifying our position as #1 and enjoy the huge capital flows back into our national digital currency faster than they evacuated. I would double down on military spending because this is the backing to our country’s national digital currency and helps control the sea-lanes. I would invest heavily in space and technology, get my citizens back to work with a vaccine, sit back and watch the nation prosper.

Now from a citizen’s view this means if you want to make money in the financial markets by investing, you had better become a good trader and be able to predict the volatility, swings and cycles in the coming years. If you enjoy looking at your digital crypto wallet 5 times a day to see how much money you have made or lost, then enjoy participating in the crypto ride. If you enjoy destroying your circadian rhythm by impacting your sleep cycles because the volatility of your invested amount (some people, it’s their life savings) fluctuate 10% up or down from when you fall asleep to when you wake up enjoy investing in a risky asset. If you believe momentum is stronger than any other economic force because of endless stimulus money and wish to hold a privately owned cryptocurrency for long-term wealth creation, then enjoy the ride up until any number of economic headwinds occur sending it down. Regulation, large investors changing their minds, CBDC’s being rolled out, no more incentives for miners on the blockchain, and numerous others.

Seasoned investors look at all financial assets by their characteristics, what they represent and what their potential may be. It doesn’t matter if it’s a barrel of oil, a cruise liner or a perceived ‘store of value like Bitcoin’. These successful investors don’t try to pick the top, they pick 10% from the top to sell and 10% bounce off the bottom to buy again. They trade with huge sums of money, hold hedged positions and never fall in love with their asset or investment. They change their mind on an investment as quickly as they decided to invest in it when presented with financial intelligence supporting the contrary. They don’t care about other investors in the market winning or losing, they only care about their own portfolio and will make ‘ruthless’ decisions to protect and grow their wealth. I know financial currency traders who have made more for their clients from trading the volatility of Bitcoin in 2017/18 and 2020 than they did in their entire careers. And remember they treat this like any other asset on their Bloomberg terminal.

Governments and central banks do not like Bitcoin. However, as it becomes more widely adopted and more institutional money piles in, it becomes harder to shut down. But then again, the more attention Bitcoin gets, the more governments will need to pay attention to it and look to regulate it - increasing KYC measures, limiting its use-case, full transaction disclosure on tax returns and if it’s classified as a currency, incurring short-term gains and losses in the form of capital gains tax at year end just like owning a futures contract as it is marked-to-market, slowing down adoption. When this takes place, there will be no need for a prohibition of Bitcoin, intelligent investors will pile their money into another new unregulated technology and continue the same cycle around again.

Specialised finance experts are still in disagreement about the intrinsic value of Bitcoin, despite the term ‘intrinsic value’ being quite a clearly defined term. The belief amongst some is that the energy consumed in the hashing algorithms in order to mine the bitcoin becomes the intrinsic value, which is complete nonsense. Further to this, distributed ledger technology is advancing so much that a digital currency of the future is not going to require miners or proof of work blockchains in order to have distributed ledgers become far functional on every level. I am reminded of Upton Sinclair’s favourite quote “It is difficult to get a man to understand something if his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” There are far better ways to make exceptional ‘risk-averse’ returns over the next 10 years. That being said, as it stands in December 2020, the speculative Bitcoin frenzy has not ended yet. A corollary can be drawn between Bitcoin now and Tulip Mania in Europe in the 17th century. The most coveted tulip in Holland, the ‘Semper Augustus’, was at one-point valued equivalent to a house in Holland (a full investment of a dwelling). How high will Bitcoin go?

The price of Bitcoin regularly fluctuated 10% from day-to-day, does this sound like an asset to park generational wealth in? Bitcoin is thus not a store of value; it is a speculative trading asset. Bitcoin should thus be treated like a ‘pump and dump’ trade rather than a long-term investment. If it is a currency and wishes to compete with fiat money, most G7 fiat currencies rarely move more than 10% in a single year, let alone a day. For the average investor it is a gamble, not an investment. Because it is a gamble, it may go to USD $100,000 per 1 Bitcoin, just as it may go to USD $100 per 1 Bitcoin. The choice will be up to how many people wish to pile their money in before the music stops. It’s like the children’s game musical chairs, you don’t want to be left without a chair to sit on when the music stops. Millennials have already sold their gold and bought Bitcoin, so gold’s pull-back will be minor if at all it appears. The pro’s take profits out and purchase real assets with them. If you wish to partake, this might be a wise move to adopt. Remember every investor looks like a genius when the price goes up, but the real genius makes money when sentiment changes, prices go an unexpected way and gains are wiped off the board.

I am reminded of three key quotes from my professor at Business School at The University of Illinois. “Everything looks good until it doesn’t.” and “what should happen is not always what will happen, and hedge fund managers get paid based on what will happen.” “There is no such thing as a free lunch in finance”. A decentralised, trusted and bottom up financial system, based on a non-proof of work distributed ledger blockchain technology with full transparency giving power back to the people, is maybe what should happen, but will it be Bitcoin that ‘will’ make this happen? A decentralised economic system also needs high quality governance and and a culture to mannage it. This is missing in the current private cryptocurrencies.

Breakthrough energy could come from many different areas but one way being indicated is solar panels in space. "Bitcoin uses as much energy as the whole of Switzerland, a new online tool from the University of Cambridge shows…. Currently, the tool estimates that Bitcoin is using around seven gigawatts of electricity, equal to 0.21% of the world’s supply. That is as much power as would be generated by seven Dungeness nuclear power plants at once. Over the course of a year, this equates to roughly the same power consumption as Switzerland." ~Chris Baraniuk, BBC Technology reporter, July 3, 2019. ‘The Green New Deal’ and renewable energies require a great deal of mining materials and destruction of natural environments to make them work. Cobalt, coal, copper, silver and lithium to name a few are all key components into Tesla’s supposedly ‘green’ electric vehicles. Furthermore, as we watch SpaceX rockets deliver satellite payload after payload and the extraordinary mining and manufacturing underway to build out this high-energy-consumption control infrastructure (not to mention the new nuclear, missile, and space weapon races), it is more than amusing to be constantly reminded of the damage being done to our environment by cow “farts.”

Bitcoin thus appears not to be the likely solution to the malfunctioning central banking model. It is a beta test for the CBDC’s and is not as ‘decentralised’ as is claimed. The market capitalisation of Bitcoin is tiny compared with every other financial asset class and is only worth something because it’s being allowed to be worth something by the central bankers. As soon as the Central Banks and BIS have recruited the smartest tech coders from the private cryptocurrency space, they will develop and roll out the CBDC’s based on blockchain technology and Bitcoin interest will likely wayne in essence migrating everyone onto the new centralised digital system.

If you wish to speculate in the Bitcoin and private cryptocurrency space, be prepared to have the value pump and dump based on manipulation. Be prepared to lose everything if you don’t get out in time and be aware that you are investing your money into building the digital enslavement currency technology of the future. Don’t believe me, ask any Bitcoiner how many times they check the Bitcoin price or their value of their wallet per day? Mind control is a powerful thing.

The financial system is a subset of the governance structure. Thus it is impractical to redesign the fiancial system without redesigning the governance structure. The two are intimately integrated. Add to this an information system brought to life by data, computing and technology. Currently in 2021 the global governance structure is not based on integrity, the financial system has insufficient integrity (money laundering is big business) and information systems which don’t have integrity (everything can be hacked). Therefore, it is not possible to build a digital product or service on an information systems lacking integrity to change the financial system in a way that doesn’t have integrity to ultimately change the governance system. I’ll repeat this again in case you missed it. YOU CANNOT USE A FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT TO IMPROVE A GOVERNANCE SYSTEM LACKING INTEGRITY. BTC is not the solution to our governance issues which the cult believes it is. Governance is about control and control rests upon secrecy and is enforced with force. The only way to improve the governance structure which will ultimately improve every element of society and culture, is to mandate transparency and deal with the force.

The S&P500, BTC price and government stimulus spending rising keeps real asset prices down. The central banks around the world are accumulating Gold and the wealthiest land owners are doubling down on their land ownership at rock bottom prices along with governments buying up land for ‘opportunity zones’ and for technological infrastructure build-out. This artificial suppression of real assets allows the wealthy land and gold grab to occur by the wealthy and central controllers without triggering or setting off hyper inflation. The giant economic coup d’etat of 2020 and 2021 will ensure these trends continue until the next layer of central control comes in; the vaccinations and CBDC’s.

The Bitcoin culture is, ‘Buy BTC and HODL it and sit back and watch the profits roll in’. Anytime someone promises you riches while you do nothing, be suspicious… The only way to guarantee you make money is to do something productive with your effort. You will never hear from the Bitcoin culture that earning money in a productive capacity is a good idea, unless they are demanding you earn something so you can pile more money into the BTC control system. While others are wtaching their phone screens, computer screens and digital wallets to see how much money they have made or lost that hour, if you choose the human path, you can be using that time to build something great for yourself, your family and/or humanity. If you free yourself from the tech addiction of BTC and cryptocurrency your mind is free to create a future you are proud to be creating for your children. Imagine if you had 30 minutes extra every day to continue building that cubby house for your kids in the backyard, build that firepit and invite friends over to break it in, to play catch with your son, to teach your daughter to ride her bike, to cook your wife a special dinner or desert, to help a blind person pick out their shopping items at the supermarket… you can do this and create a better humanity if you do not own and check your crypto portfolio 30 minutes every day.

It is very likely that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will use Specialised Deposit Receipts (SDR’s), USD, Gold, CNY, EUR or a combination as backing for the CBDC’s. The digital currency system must be based off something physical and real. For instance, the USD is based off the US Military. Throughout history it is important to note that all debts were always settled in gold at the end of the day. Nothing here is meant as financial advice, just my opinion, now you are free to make up yours.

Final thought on BTC. People have no idea what it’s real value is until its converted into another currency. BTC is constantly valued based on another currency, like USD, JPY, EUR, AUD, etc… BTC is trying to replace these fiat systems when no one knows what it’s worth until its converted to a currency system tht it’s trying to get rid of, yet it’s not a currency, it’s a store of value (asset). So what is the real value of Bitcoin…?

Going Direct and The Global Reset

Going direct means central banks will directly be controlling the digital currency that the public uses. There may or may not be intermediaries in this system. The whole point of “Going Direct” is to go to 100% controlled. That means 100% digital, with real-time information, and it means killing cash. Since a large part of the general population is firmly entrenched in the benefits of cash and appreciates the connection to privacy and freedom, the process of migrating to digital has taken decades. The Covid-19 destruction of income, putting millions in a major debt entrapment, is no doubt part of the push for an all-digital system.

Microsoft is hosting the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) Cloud, Amazon is hosting the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Cloud and the G7 Central Banks issuing their CBDC’s controlling the money flows by ‘going direct’, the cash flows can then be re-engineered.

Everyone is talking about The Global Reset; this is what the invention room represents. The path forward is being planned as you read this, and nothing is set in stone yet. This is why we are in the invention room with the central bankers and technocrats. This means we have a choice as to how it progresses.

Here is an interesting thought to entertain. I believe it is impossible to come up with a theory to explain why we have entered a global invention room without reaching the conclusion that the leadership either welcomes significant depopulation or had no choice given what is hidden behind the walls of secrecy. Our leadership has a hyper materialist vision. Under this vision, we become a multiplanetary civilization and live a high-tech existence under a centralized global technocracy. Billionaires live 145 years, while a reduced human population evolves into transhumanism and is managed as private property through an AI system marked by mind control, injectable operating systems, and a brain-machine interface—integrated with digital technology, the cloud, and a large population of robots. In short, the hyper materialist vision migrates the human population from “divine human” to “animal” to “vegetable.”

Many of us reject this vision and retain a vision of the “divine human”—and of a people who can grow and manage breakthrough technology responsibly and an advanced civilization defined by spiritual power and personal freedom. This, however, requires an end to secrecy and related mind control, and integration of our spiritual lives with our science and politics. The establishment is insistent that the average person cannot face or deal with reality. I appreciate their research and arguments on this point. However, if we have to put the human race through a giant experiment, better that experiment culls out ideocracy than eliminate leadership, wisdom, and responsibility.

We are likely to witness a daily clashing of top-down power and bottom-up sensibilities for years to come, and what eventually happens will be some creation that results from this process. Which is to say, it matters what you dream, what you pray for, and what you think. It also matters where you put your time, attention, and money. We are all in the global invention room with the central bankers, and you get a vote—whether you want it or not, and whether the central bankers like it or not.

It is now very important to know where your food is coming from. Centralised control of the food supply is likely an agenda item for the global elite. Learn to grow food or get to know your local farmer. Upskill yourself on practical skills and trades. Learn to fish and cook. Learn regenerative farming practices and implement them in your garden. Find a community of people with integrity and create strong social ties with them. Create a community with a diverse range of skill sets. Become more human every day. Connect with nature, play, awaken the inner child within you, connect with others and co-create a future that works with nature instead of against it. Ultimately these are the only systems and structures which will last.

There Are Bubble Everywhere!

The massive amount of money printing going on for the past 2 years since 2020 have created massive financial bubbles everywhere. This money deceives us, signalling BTC has value, Crypto has value, NFT's and the metaverse has value, the stock parket has value, Real Estate has value, etc... Every one of these bubbles has been artificially propped up whilst people have lost value. This is very deceptive and part of the global mind control going on at the moment. All financial value comes form life, people, animals, plants and living things. These bubbles have persuaded people that life and people are expendable... The financial system has become very bubbled and so complex that people now cannot see through it to identify real value. #bubbletrance.

Let's not forget currencies and companies have value because of their people. Yet most have lost sight of this...

You may like your neighbor, you may not, they may like you, or they may not. Either way it doesn't matter. The question is do you want to be free? If yes, then guess what, you will be fighting for your neighbor's freedom too. This is a Freedom or No Freedom situation. You cannot be free unless humans are free. This right must be extended to everyone. That is what Globalization means. Either humans have rights or we don't.

In the book Atlas Shrugged, freedom is lost and the good guys create Galt's Gulch, enabling civilization to recover. However, this doesn't work this way in real life. We're really immersed in an Orwellian or Huxleyite globalized dystopia. "We are free, and to hell with the other 95% of humanity that refuses to wake up." This will never work. One obvious reason why it won't work is because the satellites are everywhere... Therefore, if you have had the thought 'I am smarter and everyone else is stupid' is not relevant. IF YOU ARE NOT FREE, I CANNOT BE FREE. We are in this together.

People have value, financial tools like bitcoin have no value by themselves. We cannot afford an all digital system.

Tips: Lodge your taxes via paper, use cash, stop using credit cards whenever possible, don't be fooled by crypto, turn phone on airplane mode, leave your phone at home when you don't need it.

It always comes back to you. It’s now YOU.

Here are some questions to get you thinking about your current programming and how you can begin to free your mind and live a life of empowered choices.

What are your core beliefs? Why do you hold these beliefs?

Have you been conditioned to think a certain way by your education? Has this closed your mind to other ways of thinking?

What are your blind spots? What actions are you taking that could be harming you?

Do you consciously invest in yourself and a future you want to see?

Can you say that you truthfully operate from a space of integrity each day with the way you show up in the world? Do you know what integrity looks like in yourself or others?

Are you the prime creator of your reality? Or is your day set by systems, algorithms, notifications, obligations, duties or mindless actions?

Have you explored aspects of yourself, your identity, your personality, your mind, your heart, your spirit? Do you know yourself? Would you be your own friend? Are you comfortable with sitting quietly within yourself and being open to receiving what comes forth?

Would you be living in a world that is beautiful, safe, fun, joyful, peaceful, loving and compassionate if you turned your inside out? Your inner world creates your outer world. This is why there are lessons for you to pay attention to out in the world. The most fulfilling part of life in my opinion is getting to know yourself better so you can accept and love yourself. This has always been the journey of development through life. It’s just that now we are so distracted with all these crazy things going on out there that we forget the real reason why we are here.  Once you know yourself you can give and serve others in the fullest capacity which brings a very important spiritual element to your life.

Turn yourself ‘inside out’ by being an authentic expression of your truth. Adventure within, get to know your strengths, you weaknesses, your insecurities, your fears, your passions, your motivations, your shadow side, your giving and loving side, your love language, your unique gifts, your ability to serve and your limitless capacity to create. Begin to live each day with intention, consciousness and out of purpose and fulfillment.

Be courageous, adapt, adjust, accept the current conditions and move forward in a way that is empowering, freeing and with intention. As long as you are a free-thinker, making high dopamine choices and possess the knowing that you are so much more than just your physical 3D body, you will shine as a great human, co-creating a wonderful community for you and your family. You are infinitely powerful and wise.

IT’S NOW YOU Teaches you how to think for yourself, rather than telling you what to think. This independent thinking is what separates you from the masses. Stay free-thinking and ahead of the game.

‘A man can be tricked, so can a woman, but a man and woman together are very difficult to trick.’ We can do anything together.

Will you make the choice like I am to become more human every day?

Join the T’S NOW YOU Family http://eepurl.com/gdCodD


BIS innovation hub – future of CBDC’s and Central Banking control over our financial system https://www.bis.org/topic/fintech/hub.htm

FASB56 Economic Secrecy – US Government https://constitution.solari.com/fasab-statement-56-understanding-new-government-financial-accounting-loopholes/

More than 5B people have Smartphones to transact digitally https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2019/02/05/smartphone-ownership-is-growing-rapidly-around-the-world-but-not-always-equally/

Tulip Mania and Bitcoin similarities https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip_mania

World Mobile Phone Usage = Correlated with Modern Disease https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/IT.CEL.SETS.P2?end=2019&most_recent_value_desc=true&start=1980&view=chart

Amazon and Lockheed positioned to secure space economy https://spacenews.com/amazon-lockheed-venture-casts-shadow-on-ground-station-startups/

Solar power stations in space = limitless energy https://spacenews.com/amazon-lockheed-venture-casts-shadow-on-ground-station-startups/

The history and organisation of the Federal Reserve Bank in the USA and why it controls the US economy https://constitution.solari.com/the-history-and-organization-of-the-federal-reserve-the-what-and-why-of-the-united-states-most-powerful-banking-organization/

DCEP https://boxmining.com/dcep/ and https://decrypt.co/33866/dcep-an-inside-look-at-chinas-digital-currency

The actual hedge to inflation, negative interest rates and currency debasement: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/end-game

Catherine Austin Fitts Summary Video: What’s really going on? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1-0XKYAZII&feature=youtu.be

Big thank you to Catherine Austin Fitts at Solari for her incredible financial investigative research. I encourage you to subscribe and join her well informed community of free and inspired individuals. https://home.solari.com/

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