Children’s Health #1 – Healthy Children in a Modern World

Today's blog post includes:

Children’s health and how it is being affected by our modern world

Pregnancy, birth trauma and how to make healthier birth choices

Challenges children are facing – addiction, technology, sexuality

How to optimise children’s health and mental health

How we can be the example for our children to live healthy and fulfilled lives


Children in 2020 are growing up very differently than ever before. Home-schooling is on the rise. Parents are unsatisfied with the mainstream education system. Children are being exposed to a plethora of digital programming, oversexualised and filled with messages of fear, vanity, narcissism and one-sided opinions. Rates of mental illness and suicide are increasing amongst children. And the odds are that children will be diagnosed with at least one severe health condition by age 5.

With a densely packed vaccine schedule, a world inundated with artificial light at night, an environment loaded with wireless radiation, a food system loaded with processed and synthesised foods and drinking water spiked with chemical toxins, its no wonder our children are suffering.

Mothers are growing unsatisfied with the medical care they receive during their pregnancy and birthing delivery. Baby’s are born into a hospital setting with large amounts of cortisol and medications flowing through the mother’s blood to the placenta and into the foetus. C-sections are also preferred by the medical system, because they are ‘medically safer’, meaning there is less risk of complications and thus the obstetricians and gynaecologists have an almost zero probability of being sued. The children not only miss out on adequately populating their gut microbiome from a vaginal birth, but also miss the squeezing of the head, normal development of the facial structure and chemical bonding with the mother during delivery. These children immediately emerge into an artificially lit environment, loaded with alien electric and magnetic fields accompanied by microwave radiation and radiofrequency radiation. They have landed in an environment which generations before had not and as such evolve adaptions to this lower quantum yield world. Perhaps this is why home births with doula’s and midwives are becoming more commonplace, undoubtedly ‘riskier’ from the conventional medical perspective, but the children are delivered vaginally, often without medications like epidurals. Many mothers have also sworn off ultrasound during pregnancy as it has been shown that these electromagnetic waves created by the device disturb the foetus and could in fact increase the risk of complications during normal development.

These childhood adaptions to a more toxic environment can come in many forms, but we usually categorise them as ‘disabilities. Jaundice, autism, Asperger’s, diabetes, epilepsy, asthma, cancer and many more become presently obvious in children within the first year of their lives. I was diagnosed with cancer at 8 months of age. This adaption to a clearly toxic environment nearly killed me, but ultimately forced me to see the world differently.

Rather than looking at these children as having a problem within them requiring fixing, it is more productive to seek to identify the environmental conditions which lead to these adaptions. Depending on the health condition, the adverse environmental signal could have occurred during conception, throughout the pregnancy, during birth or in the child’s early years. Generally, a small adverse environmental stimulus only needs to be small in the beginning of the foetal development process to lead to a colossal adaption. Something as small as a mother using her mobile phone after sunset on top of her belly for a few months could be enough of a signal to result in an unknown adverse adaption in the child’s life. When I discovered how powerful epigenetics are and that environmental signals control gene expression, I asked my mother every detail about her pregnancy with me to uncover what may have attributed to my life-threatening health condition. You might like to do the same if you or your child is in a similar position.


So how is a child’s health being influenced as they grow up?

A baby’s world consists of mostly indoor play, with domesticated animals, their closest personal relationships are with people addicted to technological devices and parents who are often away working because the mortgage payments are so high. Technology screens stimulate dopamine release from the hypothalamus as babies discover these, they become addicted. As they grow and are left in day-care, they develop abandonment traumas with their parents which will ultimately play out in their future relationships.

Children are naturally curious and adventurous and will seek to learn everything they can about their immediate environment in life’s attempt to equip them for the many years they have ahead living in this world. They pay attention to their parents, siblings, friends and teachers’ facial expressions, emotions, behavioural patterns, demeanours and habits. They will rapidly copy those around them to fit in to the group as they are intimately connected with everything in their world around them. Children do not develop a sense of identity until approximately 7 years of age, so are hence very impressionable.

Studies show that human’s in 2020 spend approximately 80% of the time in their fight or flight (sympathetic nervous system) state of being. This increased stress and pressure on parents leads to sub-optimal hormone function, fertility issues, loss of emotional control and tension between loved ones to name a few. Children are constantly picking up on these environmental signals in the home, either becoming more introverted or rebelling, becoming more reactive and stressed themselves. To add to this childhood confusion, children are dealing with the uncomfortable issues of puberty, making friends and learning brand new things every day.

There is so much shame being accumulated by so many children that it is widely known to affect their life and health in the future. A company has even set up a survey called the ‘Adverse Childhood Score’ which allows participants to identify linkages between childhood traumas and future health outcomes. If you would like to take the Adverse Childhood Score (ACE) survey, you can find it in the citations at the bottom. The survey identifies in 10 questions the quality of your childhood and if you had experienced abuse, neglect or household dysfunction and how this could contribute to your health in the future. The higher the score, the higher the risk of later health problems. You can take this test to determine how childhood trauma has influenced your health as an adult or how it may influence your child’s health in the future.

In the new digital age, children are now being exposed to the possibility of 24/7 bullying. In the documentary ‘Childhood 2.0’, one of the children remarked ‘if I don’t bully someone else, someone will bully me’. In a world where there is no safety from judgment and criticism, it’s no wonder mental illness and suicide are both so prevalent amongst our children. We all remember what it was like to be kids, we wanted to fit in and belong and be accepted. To be liked is a very strong drive for most children and when exposed to peer pressure, anything could happen. Children would dare each other to do things or bet that they couldn’t do certain things. These, often dangerous challenges, caught on video has led to many children feeling shame and regret around their attempts to fit in. we want our children to grow up developing a self-worth and self-esteem which is tied to their inner self rather than temperamental external validation/awards. if children can accept themselves for who they are, with all their flaws and unique gifts, they can cultivate a sense of self-love which is virtually impossible to strip away from them at any stage later in their lives. Being healthy and knowing how to stay healthy is the bedrock for developing this self-confidence. Healthy children are happier. Healthy children are more fun to be around. Healthy children are more sociable. Healthy children are more capable of learning new things Healthy children are more well behaved and healthy children look and feel better on the inside and out.

The foundational health principles of sunlight, high quality Unflourinated water, high quality seasonal and local nutrition, connection to nature, positive relationships, can-do mindset, joy + gratitude + peace, and love for one’s self and others apply to children as well. In fact, they live healthy lives much more naturally than we do. This is mainly because our brain allows us to break natures rules and in 2020 leads us to live a disconnected life from the things which truly matter. Be the example of health for your children and they will follow. If children learn healthy habits early in life, they will have a far superior quality of life and live to a ripe old age.

How can you help your kids set healthy goals?

Help them set goals based on their creative ambitions. In this way, under proper guidance children can be the co-creators of their vibrant reality. Many children these days struggle setting goals in healthy places by themselves. Many teenagers have goals around how many likes they can get on photos/videos uploaded to Instagram, how many partners they can perform sexually with, how many beers they can drink in a single night and so on. These are not goals reflecting creativity or creation, they are unreachable, unsatisfying, empty goals, leading to a generation of addiction and escape from reality. The great Jim Rohn once said, set your goals high enough so that along the way of achieving them you become someone worth becoming. Enable your children to set worthy goals, so they can actualise their potential, embody values like integrity, respect and excellence and become a person who they are proud of becoming.


So, is it wise to allow your children unrestricted access to technology or social media?

Technology is addictive for many reasons, just watch the documentary ‘The Social Dilemma’. Technology and its related algorithms have been designed with this purpose in mind. You will realise once you watch the documentary that allowing your children to have unlimited access to social media and other addictive platforms is not a wise decision. The programming, subliminal messaging, brainwashing and outright mind control going on is shocking to see. Many tech addicted children reach a state of apathy, where they become the machines, they are using. Apathy is the ultimate procrastination and avoidance strategy. Yet so many of our children experience this along with boredom daily. This must be distinguished from contentment, which is a state of stillness but being present in that moment, as opposed to apathy, which is being completely zoned out of the moment, in a mindless trance-like state. If you know children like this, the technology companies have achieved their goal, addicting children to their apps, marketplace and devices in order to capture another moment of their valuable attention and leaving them less free and unhealthier.


The tech revolution along with the COVID-19 quarantines and lockdowns has led to children forgetting how to socialise with each other in a respectful and diverse way. Children are staring at screens when they are together instead of at each other. Children are quoting TV shows, their favourite YouTuber or the latest computer game or app game they have played. Anything which takes time or discipline is instantly dismissed as being too hard, like learning an instrument or reading a book, because the shortcut is available to them at the touch of a finger to their phone screen. But can you blame them? After-all we created these for them to make life easier. This is neither good nor bad, it’s just different and worth recognising it as so. Brains are developing and wiring in ways scientists have never seen before, adapting to the new world. The issue is the environment is changing so fast that our biology is being inundated with dramatic shifts in adaptive outcomes that the compounded effect is leading to severe adaptions in order to cope with the perceived environment the child is about to enter. Technology is connecting humans across the globe, but it is also diminishing our lifeforce. The ultimate trade-off in order to live and operate in a modern world appears to be health until safe technology is more widely created and distributed. Perhaps you are interested in creating grounding units for computers, so they do not emit harmful electric fields while we use them. Or maybe you are interested in building biology where you can help construct healthy homes for families to live safely within.


Children themselves are not to be blamed for their bad attitudes, antisocial-behaviour, health conditions, lack of focus, lack of direction, short attention spans or addictions; it’s their environment which is calling upon this altered state of consciousness/reality being expressed by these children. Remember, the problem is usually never within you, it’s in your environment. Just like it’s not the child’s fault it’s the environment they have been allowed to roam free in which is making them sick. The solution is not always to take away the addiction, but rather to replace it with a healthy one. Blue light, non-native electromagnetic fields of all sorts, fluoride in water, bromine in food, medications, pharmaceuticals and vaccines, air pollution, chemicals in hygiene and beauty products, birth control, pornography addiction and alcoholism to name a few, are constant pressures on our children leading to poor choices and poor health.

Our children’s sex education is a hot topic. Society in 2020 is radically oversexualised and with access to this explicit content through social media, pornography, tv shows and movies, it is very easy for children to access. This is very worrying because innocence is being stripped away from most children far too early in life and being normalised.

Barely pubescent children are now being educated about sex and in many circumstances being pressured into engaging in sexual acts very early in their lives. On a basic level it is important to be aware of safety around these issues, but how do parents know if these influences have an agenda behind them or not. The answer is never to prevent children from exposure to any of this all together, but to gently introduce their awareness to appropriate issues which will confront them as they develop in a safe environment in which they feel comfortable to ask questions. They can then navigate the situations in the future with their best rationale and always feel they can talk to someone, such as a parent or sibling about any issues which will certainly arise.

Pay attention to your child’s health. Children are more sensitive to adverse and beneficial signals from the environment. If your child has gut or digestive issues, pay attention. If they have allergies or eczema take note. If they come down with colds regularly or develop tonsillitis, you know the environment, food or water they are exposed to is unhealthy. If they get headaches, sleepy at the wrong times and awake at the wrong times, you know they are overexposed to artificial light and not enough natural light. It’s likely that if they are feeling these symptoms, you are too, it’s just that you are not as sensitive to them…. Yet, unless you make a change for the both of you.


Children do not really have a voice in our world today. Especially those in developing nations. We need to all stand up for children’s health and safety in our own households and communities. Be an advocate for the children in your life. Give them a voice, allow them to grow and develop in an environment which is supportive of their natural curiosity and ambition. Be the example in their life of a healthy, respectful and humble leader. Engage with your children in real life as opposed to digitally, share stories with them verbally rather than sharing videos with them virtually. Play, connect and adventure with them by being present with them as they discover new experiences in the world. Encourage them to spend time outside by being out there yourself and practicing what you preach. Pop them in the ice bath with you when you take your next cold bath. Lay them next to you in the backyard when you soak up your vitamin D for the day. Prepare them yummy paleo or keto snacks sweetened with stevia, dates or organic maple syrup so they don’t sneak refined sugary snacks behind your back. Take them with you to a farmer’s market or a farm so they understand where the food they eat comes from. Bring them with you to a local spring so they can collect drinkable water from nature. Teach them to sun gaze for the first 30 minutes of sunlight for the day. Support and foster their curiosities and help them set achievable goals. Listen to them and really hear what they have to say. Set up their bedroom so it is radiation free with no technology in sight. Equip them with the basic practical skills so they can build up the ones which they see fit. Be the fullest expression of what it means to be human and they will pay attention and follow in kind.

For those of you who have children, you will know that your children are often your greatest teachers, allowing you to unlearn much of the programming and conditioning we experienced. Take a step out of your world if this is not the case and step into your child’s, you will find a wold full of awe and curiosity awaits you. If you have unlearned to relearn and can see the world through a child’s lens, even if it’s for brief periods of time, look to build the most loving, joyful and peaceful environment for your child starting with their health
